Blog Posts · Thoughts From The Wilderness

Thoughts From The Wilderness – Laugh Till It Hurts!

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Laugh till it hurts!

Not sure why anyone would do something till you hurt. This is supposed to be good for you. Don’t they say “Laughter is the best medicine?”

But, often we do laugh till it hurts. If the picture above is true and why wouldn’t be, then perhaps getting the gym membership might not be required!

Everyone loves a good laugh. A joke told by a mate; seeing something funny in your favourite sitcom on TV. It doesn’t matter where or how, but it’s funny and you have a good laugh about.

A fellow blogger Caramel has been doing her very best to spread joy and laughter this week by tagging bloggers with this “laughable” Challenge.

321 Quote Me – Laughter

They Say It Is The Best Medicine

The rules of the challenges are simple!!

Rules: 3.2.1 Quote Me!

Thank the Selector – Thank you Caramel

Post 2 quotes for the dedicated Topic of the Day.

Select 3 bloggers to take part in ‘3.2.1 Quote Me!’

Here in Ontario, laughter to my knowledge IS NOT covered under OHIP(Ontario Health Insurance Plan). Healthcare is essentially free in Ontario for the most part. However, if our current provincial government thought they could tax laughter they just might!

laughter 1Not sure if they would, but our recently elected Premier of the new provincial government vowed to make beer a dollar, like back in the old, old days(Slogan – “Buck A Beer”). Gee, that hardly resonated with a large portion of the population at all(insert sarcasm here).

One never knows?

So, ………….

The next quote covers it all. Any further explanation would just distract us from the truth. The truth is IT HAS HAPPENED TO ALL OF RIGHT US – right??


It has happened to us all right??

Please say it has happened to us all…..please. (oh, the shame of it all).

But, laughter can sure brighten up a day that might not be going so well. Laughter is the best medicine, as long as it isn’t at the expense of others.

One last thought about laughter as the best medicine….


It appears I have some weird “bodily fluid” thought process going on here. Not sure what to think of that. I need serious help!!

I am going to tag up the following bloggers to carry on the “3.2.1 Quote Me!” Challenge on Laughter:

Sam – Living

Anne – All in a Days Breath

Salted Caramel

If you can get the chance, pass the laughter on. It’s free and it really does make the best medicine even if you’re not sick!

Thanks again to Caramel for the chance to spread a bit of laughter this morning!!


…..all images sourced at: Google Images