Blog Posts · Thoughts From The Wilderness

Cold Weather – It’s All Relative

Daily writing prompt
How do you feel about cold weather?

When you live in Canada, cold weather is just accepted. It’s part of the bargain of living here. And it’s just not for a little while it hangs about, we’re talking anywhere around 5 months of the year.

The wrinkle though is that cold weather is sort of relative mostly depending on where you live in the country. In the more northern stretches of Canada, cold is simply cold. Days of minus 20, 30 and yes 40 degrees Celsius is not unheard of every year.

Living where we do, the ocean tends to moderate and have a great effect on temperatures, both summer and winter. For example, last winter, we didn’t get a lot of snow. Often it would snow, then a few days later it would rain and the snow would be mostly gone. Temperature-wise, there were one or two days when the temperature headed to below -10 degrees C. But, that was about it.

Personally, I prefer warmer temperatures to colder ones. But, without colder temperatures, there would be no snow. No snow covering trees and creating a wonderful “winter-wonderland” landscape.

Like I said at the beginning, this is Canada and in Canada, you are going to get cold temperatures for a decent bit of the year. So, one can hide inside all winter like a hermit, or embrace all that the weather throws at you and enjoy life.

A lesson I learned long ago is, “There is no such thing as poor weather, only poor clothing choices.”

–as always with love–

— get outdoors; find inspiration; discover yourself —