Blog Posts · Thoughts From The Wilderness

The Next Chapter

Today(which is Saturday by the way) is the first workday in over forty years that I didn’t have to get up and head off to……well you know where… Taking vacation and stat holidays out of the equation, I guess I’ve been doing the same routine for darn near forty-plus years.

Friday was my last day at work and by 11:45am it was done and over with. It was all very simple and with not much or no fanfare to speak of.

No big send-off – just “it’s been great working with you and good luck.” At least, that’s what the few folks I ran across at work said during the morning. There was no retirement party, just came home to an afternoon puttering around the house, then out with Lynn to pick up a few things and a quiet late dinner of bacon-wrapped chicken, mini potatoes, and salad and all followed by re-runs on Netflix.

I don’t think it’s hit me yet that my full-time working career has come to perhaps a full stop. Life has been far too hectic and busy over the past number of months to pay attention to the coming end of that chapter in my life.

However, given the book called “my life” hasn’t been fully written to this point(hopefully, it won’t be for a long while), it’s time to turn the page(s) and focus on the chapter that faces us now.

So early on this Saturday morning, while collecting my thoughts it seems the thought of the day is…… “it’s all good.” Time to get onto the next chapter. I can say without a doubt, that I’m ready and “chomping at the bit” it hit the road to our new life in Nova Scotia.

So, not much to say or expound upon, but “The Next Chapter” is here, and this fella is looking forward with great anticipation to writing it. Plunging ahead with great vigor and faith into the semi or mostly unknown future and that it will all work out.

Today we have folks coming over to pick up a table we’re giving away, and a bit later some others to get a love seat.

Next week we’re giving our living room couch and some wooden kitchen chairs to a group that is helping to set up a home in town for a Ukrainian family that fled the war to resettle along the “shores of Georgian Bay” and will be arriving here in the next week or so.

We got lots of small things left to get done over the following days…a doctor’s appointment; lawyer stuff; packing the few remaining bits; and lunch with a high school friend who I haven’t seen in person in over forty years… a whole host of other things that will pop up along the way.

–as always with love–

— get outdoors; find inspiration; discover yourself —

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