Blog Posts · Thoughts From The Wilderness

An Era Finishes

Well, as they say(and they being the ones who are beacons shining in the distance), we’re coming to an end of an era.

Perhaps era isn’t the best or even the right word to use here, but it certainly appears to be from all intense and purposes the end of a career.

Back about a month or so ago when looking at the bigger scheme of getting all this to work out, I chose June 24th as my last day of work.

The 24th seemed to fit the bill, as it would give me a week to clean up all the nit-picky details, before we close here at the “old homestead” on July 5th.

For the next five days, I don’t have any regularly scheduled crew assignments. I’ll just fit in here and there; fill in on a crew if necessary and simply put a checkmark on the calendar after the end of each day.

To say the last ten years or so have been interesting, could be perhaps a slight understatement. But, like all professions and like all work environments, “the job – and all that goes with it” is sometimes great; sometimes not so great; generally good and most times – kind of neutral.

My time there certainly has had its moments, but overall I look back with exceedingly fond memories.

Ya see – I coming to learn(albeit later in life) that – “I gots” no time or space in my soul for the negative.

There are plenty of others(some even still working beside me) who ooze the negative vibe. That is too bad and in many ways very sad. I feel sorry for them.

But, there you have it.

Five more days and this particular work/job/profession chapter in my life will come to a close. But, like your favorite novel when one chapter is finished, you get to move on to the next chapter. And who knows what exciting and thrilling adventure may be in store for the hero of the story.

So, a new chapter awaits to be written. I think I’d like to crew working on a lobster boat down the road from our new place. Maybe??

–as always with love–

— get outdoors; find inspiration; discover yourself —

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