Blog Posts

Daily Habits

Daily writing prompt
What are your daily habits?

Daily habits in my mind(which in many ways is a very scary thought) are sort of akin to routine. We do it day in and day out without much thinking about it. Those “habits or routines” are automatic – they just happen.

An obvious habit we do daily might be having breakfast, lunch and dinner. But, that is one lame response to our prompt of the day. One could also offer up, going to the bathroom. But, trying to keep things out of the gutter here.

Source: Google Images

My daily habit or morning routine is this:

  • get up early
  • make coffee
  • take coffee to a comfortable chair in the living room
  • park ass in said comfortable chair
  • open MacBook
  • sip coffee
  • scan weather and read news
  • sip coffee
  • open WordPress
  • sip coffee
  • check various things on WordPress
  • sip coffee
  • scroll through WordPress Reader
  • perhaps compose a post for the day
  • get more coffee
  • perhaps go back and re-read the news
  • routine is done when coffee is done

I follow this pretty much daily. The only thing that might get altered is not having time to write a blog post for the day.

Yes – this is my sacred time of the day – every day.

–as always with love–

— get outdoors; find inspiration; discover yourself —

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